Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Culture and Foreign Language Teaching and Learning Essay

In this subsection, different approaches to teaching culture within the foreign language teaching practice and different views of the term â€Å"culture† are going to be presented as a mean to explore the close relationship between culture and language and determine what is understood as culture in this study. As it was mentioned above, there are different definitions of culture. These views have relied on the different language acquisition theories and teaching approaches that have emerged in the history of foreign language teaching. (Hinkel, 1999) Until the mid-twentieth century, culture was seen as the transmission of factual information about the target language, which consisted of statistical information about history, literature,†¦show more content†¦Therefore this attempt to integrate culture into language teaching failed due to their lack of relevance for the language teaching approaches of that time. (Stern, 1983; Corbett, 2003) During the 70s and 80s, research on anthropology and sociolinguistics caused a greater emphasis more on the relationship between culture and language. Hinkel (1999) considers the works done by Hymes (1964), Gumperz (1972) and Kaplan (1966) a great contribution to this relationship as they privileged the communication within the cultural context. He cites Hymes (1972) mainly to state that the nature of the situations when communicative acts occur differs from one culture to another. This indicates that culture is interconnected with the ability to communicate appropriately in different social situations. This approach to culture teaching, therefore, implied to train students on how to employ appropriately the social rules of the target language such as the use of behavioral conventions, the use of silence, turn taking and politeness among others. (Byram Morgan, 1994). This approach was criticized because it seems to be based on native proficiency as a standard model for foreign lang uage students. In other words, foreign students need to leave aside their own culture and language in order to be considered proficient speakers of the target language. This means that this approach does not consider the culturalShow MoreRelatedEssay on Theoretical and Researched Based Frameworks of Culture1288 Words   |  6 Pagesbackgrounds by using telle-collaborative learning, it is necessary to address some core constructs about intercultural communication as follows culture, Intercultural communicative competence , community of practices, and tele-collaboration. They are going to be examined through two key sources; theoretical works and research –based works. 2.1. Culture and Foreign Language Teaching and Learning. 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